Welcome to my Me Page. My name is Amanda Bougades (pronouncethis like Beau Goddess. Yes that is my real last name and that isreally how it's pronounced). I'm a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in discrete math and minoring in art. Since most people want to know (1) what the hell is discrete math or(2) why the hell would you want to major in that when I tell them my major, you might want to check out my math careers page.

Anyway, here is a picture of me. It's a really terrible pictureand it was taken when I was in high school so it's not really what I look like now, but until I get a new scuzzy card for my scanner it will have to do. Yes that is a real iguana.
My Family
My sister, Marissa, (who is two years older than me) is a design tech major at SUNY Purchase. My mom is a sales associate for a designer clothing line called The Worth Collection. My dad runs a company called Walker Thomas Associates, Ltd., which installs fire alarms into office buildings. You might notice that I haven't put in a link to my dad's company's web site. This is because no matter how hard I try I can't find it on any search engine and he doesn't know the URL. I started yelling at him for having such an unaccessible web site and so he told me to rebuild it for him. I will start doing so as soon as he gets me the goddam URL.
The last four members of my family are my dogs, Clancy, Buddy, Nicky, and Harry. Unfortunately, Clancy and Buddy both passed away, but Nicky and Harry are still terrorizing the family. Clancy was an Irish Setter and the other three are all Gordon Setters (for those of you who aren't familiar with that breed, they look a lot like Irish Setters except they're black with red markings. My mom says they look like movie stars.) My mom is kind of a dog freak. Our den is alternatively referred to as the "dog room" because it's got dog everything. Dog paintings, dog figurines, dog pillows and throw on the couch, a dog statue (which scares the hell out of the real dogs), dog welcoming mat, dog garbage can, are you getting the message? She even had a professional portrait painted of my three youngest dogs (all of them except Clancy, who had already passed away at the time). Note that there is no portrait of the humans in the family, just the dogs. By the way, she has the name of the next one picked out. He's going to be Cosmo. I'll update when we get him.
Coming soon (as in when my scanner is working): pics and infoabout my family and friends. And if I can manage to think ofanything interesting about me, I'll stick that on this page too.
Last updated: October 11, 1999